KS1 |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Terms 5 & 6 |
Year 1/2 |
Change For The Better? |
What Have they taught Us? |
Where Would We Be Without Water? |
Healthy Body, Healthy Minds |
Our Beautiful World |
A |
Design, create and evaluate ‘A Car for the Future’ selecting from everyday materials –learning how to use mechanisms in our products; wheels and axels |
Design, create and evaluate a ‘Tactile Picture for Somebody Who Can’t See’ |
Design, create and evaluate ‘A Pop Up Book’ - learning how to use mechanisms in our products – levers and sliders |
B |
The creation of a structure - knowing how to make structures stronger, stiffer and more stable |
Design, create and evaluate a ‘Healthy Lunch Box’ |
Design, create and evaluate a ‘Mini-beast Hotel’ for the playground or garden – link to habitats |
Key skills |
LKS2 |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Terms 5 & 6 |
Year 3/4 |
Change For The Better? |
What Have they taught Us? |
Where Would We Be Without Water? |
Healthy Body, Healthy Minds |
Our Beautiful World |
A |
Using melting and cooling to prepare healthy snacks |
Design and making of a hanging Christmas decoration from textiles – how do we sew buttons on? |
Cooking with water – prepare and cook a savoury dish using water - boiling, steaming |
A pocket torch – design and construction understanding the use of circuits, switches and bulbs in products |
B |
Design and construct a Roman aqueduct that really carries water – use of materials according to their functional properties |
Designing an earthquake proof building – use of annotated sketches, cross sectional and exploded diagrams - understanding how key events have helped shape the world
The design and construction of an Egyptian Shaduf - selecting from appropriate construction materials, use of pulleys and levers |
Key skills
UKS2 |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Terms 5 & 6 |
Year 5/6 |
Change For The Better? |
What Have they taught Us? |
Where Would We Be Without Water? |
Healthy Body, Healthy Minds |
Our Beautiful World |
A |
Design, create and evaluate a ‘wire loop game’ – understand the use of circuits and buzzers and/or motors in products. |
Baking – prepare and cook a healthy savoury dish that involves baking |
Researching, developing and designing a playground ride for disabled children – How can mechanical systems ie. Gears, pulleys, cams levers, linkages help us? Focus on cross sectional and exploded diagrams and use of prototypes |
B |
Research develop and design an innovative, functional and appealing musical instrument – link to classical rock |
Grilling – prepare and cook a healthy savoury dish that involves grilling |
Research, design and construction of a textile project representing the 4 elements earth, fire, air and water – a focus upon aesthetic qualities linked to the Ancient Greek Philosophers |
Key skills |