Reception 2025 Prospective Parent Tours are available by e-mailing the school office via

E P Collier

Primary School and Nursery

Nurture. Discover. Achieve.


In Term 3 we are focusing on texts that are non-linear. They involve time travel or flashbacks to move the story on. Sometimes this can be really confusing. We'll be building timelines and using clues in the text layout or structure to summarise and sequence events, as well as make predictions.

During Term 2 we will be studying The Hodgeheg and The Legend of Kevin in Year 3 and Varjak Paw in Year 4. These are books that have a complex narrator - in the case of all three books, an animal tells the story. We need to consider the events from the point of view of an animal rather than a human. It's hard to imagine being a hedgehog or a cat! We will be focusing on developing our inference skills as well as continuing to work on fluent reading. 

During Term 1 we will be focusing on reading fluency. This may mean that we are choral reading and repeat reading in order to develop expression and an appropriate reading speed. 


We will also be practising our retrieval skills, looking for specific information in texts.


The following books will be read and studied as a whole class. These are both 'archaic' texts, meaning they have contexts, vocabulary and syntax that are quite different to texts written today. Children can sometimes struggle to access these texts independently, hence we study them in a class environment.

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