Welcome to the E.P. Collier English page
This page aims to provide information about the teaching and learning of English at EP Collier as well as providing ideas on how to support your child's learning at home.
We hope you find this information useful but please feel free to speak with your child's class teacher if you have any specific questions about their learning.
Reading is an extremely important skill for children to develop and secure. It plays an important part in children understanding all subjects in the National Curriculum, not just English. Reading regularly helps to support and develop your child's knowledge, understanding and imagination. This can include reading anything from a novel to a magazine to a menu!
Spellings are taught by spelling pattern, with homework encouraging children to investigate words that fit within that pattern and even words that work against the rule.
An example of this may be words that used silent letters; children are then asked to find words that use silent letters, ready for a random 10 word test by their teacher.
Children also have to know how to spell mathematical terms and apply them when writing about maths.
Below is a link to the National Curriculum words for each year group. Children in older years must still know the words from previous year groups. Please encourage your child to learn and apply spellings as often as possible.
At EP Collier, we use a cursive handwriting script . Children learn correct letter formation using the same picture mnemonics they have already learnt during the RWI phonics sessions.
Would you like to support your child in their English?
Click here for a guide to supporting your child in English, a document published by the Government .