
E P Collier

Primary School and Nursery

Nurture. Discover. Achieve.


Term 1


This term, our unit is 'La phonétique (Phonics)' with four sequential lessons where pupils will learn a selection of the key phonemes to facilitate accurate and authentic pronunciation as part of their language learning experience. Each of the four lessons is accompanied by a song that pupils will be encouraged to actively participate in.

Term 2


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to present themselves both orally and in written form in French. This is one of the first units where previously learnt language will be integrated with newly acquired language, encouraging all pupils to use their growing bank of vocabulary. In this unit pupils focus on asking questions as well as providing accurate replies. They will demonstrate a growing understanding of grammar to manipulate language and start to create sentences of their own using a range of personal details including name, age, where they live and nationality.


Term 3


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to make a presentation about their own / a fictitious family in both spoken and written form in French. Pupils will start to integrate previously learnt language with newly acquired language, encouraging more confident use of their growing bank of vocabulary. Pupils will demonstrate an increasing knowledge of grammar and the use of the possessive in French to manipulate language, thus starting to create more personalised responses as the unit supports the change from 1st person singular to 3rd person singular.





Term 4


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills necessary to ask and respond to key questions in the foreign language about 5 key traditions and celebrations in the French-speaking world. This is a unit that focuses on key question words so that pupils can express an opinion about a tradition or celebration in the foreign language and can develop an appreciation of traditions and celebrations different to their own culture.

Term 5 

By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to present both orally and in written form about what they have and do not have in their pencil cases and/or school bag in French. This is a unit that focuses on recycling previously learnt grammar, using it with new vocabulary and a better understanding of the negative form, demonstrating a growing ability to create independent responses.

Term 6

By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to present both orally and in written form about various plants and animals that live in five very different habitats in French. This is one of the first units to encourage slightly more complex and sophisticated writing using a wider range of vocabulary.

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