
E P Collier

Primary School and Nursery

Nurture. Discover. Achieve.


At E P Collier Primary School our intent is to ensure that all children, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability will be provided with a broad and balanced Science curriculum which reflects the equality and diversity of our multicultural school. We want our children to be naturally curious about the world around them. Our vision is to enable children to take their STEM learning journey beyond the primary school years and continue enhancing their understanding through a cross curricular approach. Throughout our school children are encouraged to use and build on scientific skills of observing, investigating, questioning, comparing, reflecting and recording which continually develops independence and allows them to  be 'WOWED' about life long science learning.


Our teachers ensure that our children are exposed to high quality teaching and learning experiences. At E P Collier we implement the delivery of a practical, enquiry, spiral based curriculum; offering children the opportunity to ask and answer questions and allowing 'thinking time' which  provides children with the opportunities to build on their acquisition of scientific knowledge and skills. This enables learning to 'stick' and children to progress.  We want our children to have a broad vocabulary therefore scientific language is taught and built upon as topics are revisited in different year groups and across key stages. Through teacher modelling and carefully planned questioning, our children are given the opportunity to access learning according to their ability. Our science learning journeys enable children to enhance with a 'can do' attitude. Our approach is to always enable children to develop to their full potential by ongoing assessment and quizzing knowledge.


The impact of our successful approach results in a fun, engaging, high quality science education, that provides children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. Our children love Science and investigating!

Children will know more, remember more and understand more about the curriculum. Children retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.

 All children will have:

  • A richer vocabulary which will enable them to articulate their understanding of taught concepts
  • A wider variety of skills linked  scientific knowledge, understanding and enquiry
  • Confidence and a love of learning for all things science




Our Exciting Science Work

At E P Collier we like to make our science learning fun, engaging and interactive. We like to use a hands on approach where children can learn and recall memorable scientific facts and knowledge. Every topic will take children on a progress learning journey. Here are some photographs for you to enjoy.



In Year 5 and 6, children carried out a Bloody Investigation to understanding the components of blood and their functions.

In Year 3 and 4 we carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of evaporation. Where do you think the water evaporated quicker and why?

In Year 1 and 2, children went on a river walk trip to identify the different types of plants.


Science Curriculum Overview

Home Learning Ideas


Introducing children to a diverse range of scientists and people who work in science-related jobs.

Dear All,

We have had an amazing response from the Science Competition - Message in a Bottle. Please enjoy the pictures, we are all winners !!

Message in a Bottle - Science Competition 2020

 PRINT OUT and DESIGN A LAB COAT for our school to win some LAB COATS.

Thank you for your support.

Parachute Problems

Our Science Discovery Table

Odd one out quiz- Have a go at answering the questions. It would be great to get the family helping with ideas.

Watch this space for Mad Science returning.


Hi Budding Scientists,

Why not try some fun science investigations and see what you can discover. Open the link below to start your investigations.

Primary Science National Curriculum

Science at EP Collier

Science at EP Collier focuses on scientific enquiry and answering questions, many of which the children have asked. The children are encouraged to learn through investigations and find out things for themselves. 

Our science curriculum and planning is based upon a spiral learning which ensures that we cover all of the elements of the new curriculum in a fun and exciting way.





Have you ever played a game of apple bobbing? Have you ever wondered why the apples float in water? Can you find out?

E P Collier Science Recycling Competition


Thank you all for your amazing contributions.  Here are some of the pictures of your entries:

There are some great science games and activities on the following websites:


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