Term 1
This term, year 5 will be working scientifically to study the biology of living things and their habitats. They will use all the five lines of enquiry to predict, ask questions, make fair tests or change variables, collect and record data, as well as, evaluate an enquiry.
Term 2
This term, year 5 will be working scientifically to study physics via the unit of work 'Forces'. They will use all the five lines of enquiry to predict, ask questions, make fair tests or change variables, collect and record data, as well as, evaluate an enquiry.
Term 3
This term, year 5 will be working scientifically to study Chemistry via the unit of work 'Properties of Materials'. They will use all the five lines of enquiry to predict, ask questions, make fair tests or change variables, collect and record data, as well as, evaluate an enquiry.
Term 4
This term, year 5 will be working scientifically to study biology via the unit of work 'Animals including humans' describing the changes as humans develop to old age. They will use all the five lines of enquiry to predict, ask questions, make fair tests or change variables, collect and record data, as well as, evaluate an enquiry.
Term 5&6
This term, we will be studying physics by working scientifically to explore the unit of study on Earth and Space.