On Thursday 2nd November we elected our new School Council and Eco Committee members.
The children in Years 1-6 were invited to write their manifestos over half term and presented them to their classes at the beginning of the week. Well done to all of the children who shared some fantastic ideas of what they would like to do to help make our school even better.
We then turned the library into a Polling Station borrowing polling booths and ballot boxes from Reading Borough Council and held our elections. Congratulations to those elected who were presented their new badges in assembly on Friday; it was a difficult decision for the children with so many strong candidates to choose from.
We are looking forward to having our first meetings this week.
The School Council have been finding out more about Change 4 Life and healthy food choices.
The children completed a survey to find out which snacks are brought into school for break time. They were pleased to discover that most of the children in KS2 brought healthy snacks such as fruit and yogurt but found out that very few children had vegetable snacks.
As vegetable snacks tend to contain less sugar than fruit the children thought it would be good to organise a vegetable snack tasting session to encourage others to try more vegetable snacks.
We have contacted some of the big supermarkets to see if they will donate some vegetables for us to cut up and try. We are waiting to hear back from them!