
E P Collier

Primary School and Nursery

Nurture. Discover. Achieve.


Term 1


This term, our unit is 'La phonétique (Phonics)' with four sequential lessons where pupils will learn a selection of the key phonemes to facilitate accurate and authentic pronunciation as part of their language learning experience. Each of the four lessons is accompanied by a song that pupils will be encouraged to actively participate in.

Term 2


This year, we will be following the scheme of work on 'Language Angels' since it is well sequenced, with clear progression and objectives are broken down into smaller steps. This term, our unit is 'J'apprends le français (I am learning French)' with each lesson consists of a reading and a writing activity to ensure full coverage of the language. 

Term 3


This term, our unit is 'Les Animaux (the animals)'. In this unit pupils will learn 10 familiar animals and be introduced to the 1st person singular high frequency verb ‘I am’ in the foreign language. By the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise, recall, remember and spell up to 10 animals with their indefinite article. This is one of the first sentence building units where pupils will have the knowledge and skills to be able create short phrases with the verb ‘I am’ plus the animal nouns and determiners

Term 4


In this unit pupils will learn 10 familiar activities that they are able or are not able to do in French. This is one of the first units introducing the negative form, allowing the children to build more interesting and complex sentences including the option of using conjunctions.

Term 5 & 6

In this unit pupils will learn 10 common shapes and also the numbers 1-5. By the end of the unit pupils will be able to recognise, recall, remember and spell up to ten shape nouns with their indefinite article.

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