Autumn Term
This term, we will design, make and evaluate pulleys and gears. The children will be taught the difference between 'structure' and 'function' when thinking of a design; they will then explore if their design is fit for purpose when they make it. Lastly, they will be able to evaluate their design and make changes accordingly. This unit is strongly linked to our unit of work in science 'forces'.
Spring Term
This term we will look at healthy and varied diet (including cooking and nutrition requirements for KS2) Cooking with water – prepare and cook a savoury dish using water - boiling, steaming.
Summer Term
This term, we will be doing Textiles, combining different fabric shapes (including computer-aided design)
Research, design and construction of a textile project representing the 4 elements earth, fire, air and water – a focus upon aesthetic qualities linked to the Ancient Greek Philosophers