Term 1
This term, year 6 will be working scientifically to study the physics of electricity. They will use all the five lines of enquiry to predict, ask questions, make fair tests or change variables, collect and record data, as well as, evaluate an enquiry.
Term 2
This term, we will continue physics but with a different unit of learning which is 'light'.
Term 3
This term, we will start looking at biology with a unit of learning on classifying living things as part of living things and their habitat area of the curriculum. Children will work scientifically inspired by the work of Carl Linnaeus.
Term 4
This term, we will continue learning biology focusing on humans with a unit on the circulatory system and keeping healthy as part of animal including humans area of the curriculum. Children will work scientifically as always.
Term 5&6
This term, we will continue learning biology focusing on living things as part of animal including humans area of the curriculum. Children will work scientifically as always to learn about Evolution and Inheritance.