
E P Collier

Primary School and Nursery

Nurture. Discover. Achieve.


Autumn Term 


This term in geography, we will be looking at North of England and Scotland. In order to have a clear understanding of the human and physical characteristics of these areas, we will be focusing on map skills as a starting point to our learning journey.


Spring Term


This term in geography, we will be learning about coasts looking at the similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of the Jurassic Coast - UK, Pas-de-Calais region of France and Barbados

Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping including Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to identify features

Record results and geographical information in a variety of ways, appropriate to audience, including writing at length

Summer Term


This term in geography, we will learn about rivers, locating them on maps using various geographical skills: 

· Learn about the physical aspects of rivers

· Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping including Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to locate rivers and identify features

· Use 8 points of the compass and 6 figure grid references

· Use symbols and key on OS maps

· Use different types of field work sampling; random and systematic, to observe, measure and record physical features

· Record results and geographical information in a variety of ways, appropriate to audience, including writing at length


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