Reception 2025 Prospective Parent Tours are available by e-mailing the school office via

E P Collier

Primary School and Nursery

Nurture. Discover. Achieve.



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Terms 5 & 6



Change For The Better?

What Have they taught Us?

Where Would We Be Without Water?

Healthy Body, Healthy Minds

Our Beautiful World





Zootime – Pulse, rhythm and pitch – singing and playing

Christmas Production- Perform together and follow instructions that combine singing and other musical elements


Hands, Feet, Heart –pulse, rhythm and pitch – South African Music

In the Groove – Exploring different styles of music






I Wanna Play in a Band – Singing and playing in an ensemble

 Christmas Production- Perform together and follow instructions that combine singing and other musical elements


Friendship Song – performance and composition

 Reflect, rewind and Replay – The history and language of music



Key skills

  • Sing songs and speak chants and rhymes expressively and with confidence
  • Sing with an awareness of other performers
  • Recall and remember songs, chants and rhymes
  • Identify the pulse in a piece of music and perform a rhythm to a given pulse
  • Identify and name classroom instruments; maraca, triangle, tambourine, glockenspiel, sticks, blocks, drum, cow bells, xylophone, cymbal, agago
  • Play instruments musically and in different ways to create different sound effects
  • Create and choose sounds in response to a given stimulus
  • Perform long and short sounds in response to symbols



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Terms 5 & 6



Change For The Better?

What Have they taught Us?

Where Would We Be Without Water?

Healthy Body, Healthy Minds

Our Beautiful World






Stop! – Anti-bullying rap/song - Developing singing and composition skills


Spring Production- Perform to an audience recognising how music and voice can reflect different intentions

Glockenspiel/Berkshire Maestros – An opportunity to learn a musical instrument and progress to the next level of excellence – musical notation







Lean On Me – Soul/Gospel – Pulse, rhythm and pitch interrelated with singing and playing





Spring Production- Perform to an audience recognising how music and voice can reflect different intentions

Glockenspiel/Berkshire Maestros – An opportunity to learn a musical instrument and progress to the next level of excellence – musical notation




Key skills




  • Sing in tune and with confidence using a wider vocal range
  • Sing expressively with an awareness of expressive elements; timbre, tempo, dynamics
  • Perform a repeated pattern to a steady pulse
  • Analyse and comment on how music is used to create different moods
  • Identify melodic phrases and play them by ear
  • Explore and perform different types of accompaniment
  • Compose music and evaluate own work making improvements
  • Use the terms; pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure
  • Use and understand staff and other musical notation
  • Play an instrument with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Terms 5 & 6



Change For The Better?

What Have they taught Us?

Where Would We Be Without Water?

Healthy Body, Healthy Minds

Our Beautiful World






 Happy – An integrated approach to music linking pulse, rhythm and pitch through singing and playing instruments





You’ve Got A Friend - An integrated approach to music linking pulse, rhythm and pitch through singing and playing instruments

Summer Production- Present performances effectively and confidently with an awareness of audience, venue and occasion. 







Livin’ On A Prayer – An appreciation of classic rock; singing, playing, improvising and composing





Make You Feel My Love – Pop Ballads; singing, playing, improvising and composing

Summer Production- Present performances effectively and confidently with an awareness of audience, venue and occasion. 



Key skills

  • Sing with increasing control of breathing, posture and sound projection
  • Sing songs in tune and with an awareness of other parts
  • Perform confidently as a member of a large group, small group and individually
  • Present performances effectively with an awareness of audience, venue and occasion
  • Use ICT to change and manipulate sounds
  • Explore, select and combine a range of different sounds to compose a soundscape
  • Improve their work through analysis, evaluation and comparison
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